Thursday, February 4, 2010

After a rough start Money seems to be doing OK. She is still a little thin but has a VERY BIG appetite. She is a very busy little girl and is doing better learning about the counter surfing. We are working through some potty issues but she seems to be catching on, after all she is only 20 months old. She is a little timid but not really shy. She loves to be petted and loved on. I call her Munchkin because she is so small. She is sleeping through the night and has yet to make a sound. We are also working on walking on the lead. She seems to freeze up sometimes so I am trying to get her out with the boys on walks. That way she can see that its not so bad. She did not like the snow at all and refused to even walk in it. She will be fine and make a really nice little girl for someone to love on.

1 comment:

  1. I loved meeting this tiny princess at 100 Oaks. What a doll!
